"You don't have to be the best player on the field, just try to do your best when you're on the field."
Group Training
Ortega Technique offers Private Group Training which is the best situation to get some friends or teammates of similar skill levels together for Group Training. You can customize your Group Training Program to fit the needs of all the players involved. In this environment we can focus primarily on technical skill development and small group tactical skills!
Technical skills are those skills that are associated with the “how to do" something in the game; ball oriented skills.
Tactical skills are those skills that are associated with the “what to do" in a game; decision-making.
Technical Skills:
Dribbling Moves & Fakes
First Touch & Receiving
Short Passing
Long Passing
Various Shooting Techniques
Speed, Agility & Quickness Training
Tactical Skills:
1v1 Tactics
2v1 Situations & Combination Play
Switching the Point of Attack
Speed & Rhythm of Play
Counterattack Concepts
Individual Defending
Small Group & Cover Defending
Ball Oriented & Zonal Defending
2017 - 2009
Session Duration:
1 hour
Session Fee:
2 - 3 Players: $40 per player
4 - 6 Players: $30 per player
7 - 9 Players: $20 per player
Team (10+ Players): $150 per session